Topic Watching

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Forum Posts : 114
Member Since : 2011-10-30

PostVanilla990 20/1/2012, 10:25 am


I run a forum and a lot of the members have said that even though they have unsubscribed from the email notifications they still get emails from the "Watched Topics" and there isn't an option to turn this off in the "Profile" section.

I was wondering if there was a way to make it so that even if a member posts in a section, it won't automatically add that thread to the "Watched Topics" list or a way to disable the feature completely.

Vanilla990 Smile
Forum Posts : 446
Member Since : 2011-10-28

PostMike 20/1/2012, 2:52 pm

did they do:

profile -> Always notify me of replies -> NO?
Forum Posts : 114
Member Since : 2011-10-30

PostVanilla990 20/1/2012, 3:12 pm

Some of them yes, some of the others realised they still had that setting on and I haven't spoken to them since to double check if they are still getting them.

Even as an admin with the setting turned off, I still get emails about the topics that I am watching, I'm not sure if its a bug or something but it would be easier to disable it completely.
Forum Posts : 446
Member Since : 2011-10-28

PostMike 20/1/2012, 5:37 pm

Step 1:

Go to your profile -> Preferences Tab

- Always notify me of replies: No
- Notify on new Private Message: No (depending on preference)

Step 2:

Go to your profile -> Topics Watched

- Click on "Select All" or you make a selection selective
- Click on "Stop watching selected topics"
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