David B

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David B
David B
Forum Posts : 4
Member Since : 2012-06-21

PostDavid B 21/6/2012, 8:47 am

LGforum wrote:I know quite a lot (i like to think) about jquery, Javascript, HTML, CSS and Ajax. Also PHP and SQL, but that doesn't really matter on forumotion.
You know more than I do, and sadly you are right about ForuMotion.

Anyway, I am David B. I am 14 years of age, I live in the United States, I am a real nerd/geek/whatever you want to call people that love computer programming/web design, I used to run a ForuMotion forum on programming until I moved off of ForuMotion. I know functional C++ (I know object oriented C++ too, but I hate it). I am currently learning Java. NO! I am not learning JavaScript, I am learning Java! There is a difference! I am terrible at web design, and pretty much everything on my forum was done by someone else (most of it by LGforum). Only a small portion of the work can be credited to me, and that small portion is very basic. That is all! Anything that I haven't told you about myself here is stuff that I do not want you to know.

~ David B
Forum Posts : 10
Member Since : 2012-06-13

PostAkkii 25/7/2012, 1:33 am

Welcome Smile
Forum Posts : 20
Member Since : 2012-03-23

Postslg 14/10/2012, 8:25 pm

Welcome to Coding Help.
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