javascript or php+html form

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Forum Posts : 106
Member Since : 2012-03-06

Postgrimofdoom 21/6/2012, 3:55 pm

I know how to make a html form with text box and submit button. But how do i get it to display the stuff from the text box on a another tab as html(the stuff in the text box is held with html page script) page,like the the w3school's "try it yourself" but pops into another tab.
Forum Posts : 77
Member Since : 2011-11-12

PostLGforum 21/6/2012, 7:00 pm

You can do that with JS, which is probably safer.

You can save a reference to a window that you open.

var new_window = properties etc);
new_window.document.write(textbox value);

Sorry that's a bit of a shortened version, i'm in a rush.
But look into method, it allows you to open another window and manipulate it, eg adding html to it from a textbox Wink

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